Lets Talk | The Hard-Hitting Questions + Outtakes

I'd like to think somewhere in one of the multi-billion universes there are out there (if you believe in String Theory that is) is a Shae who gets the perfect shot in the first take. One who doesn't spend over half an hour craning her neck every which direction and taking over 100 selfies to get a few salvageable shots. A gal' can dream. Unfortunately I am not her. Above is a collection of some of my outtakes from previous MOTDs I've shot recently in the past. I wasn't going to add an overlay but the program I use added a Tie-Dye one and I'm pretty tickled with the result! After the jump I decide to talk about some pressing issues regarding myself, my blog & self-image. 

The truly hard-hitting questions

Why are you so pale?

It could be a result of continuously avoiding the sun, sleeping during the day, dipping myself daily in bleach, drinking the blood of innocents coupled with worshipping the dark lord or it could be because I'm covered from head to toe in this thing called an Epidermis, which contains a substance called melanin and due to lack of eumelanin (fancy dandy word for colour polymer) and low UV radiation exposure it tends to be quite light. 

I also take extra precautions to protect and nurture my skin, seeing as its the largest organ on my body and it's exposed. Think sunscreen and skin care. 

Why are your eyebrows so thick?

I rephrased that one as some people don't tend to phrase that one quite so eloquently.  Measurement wise my brow size, length and shape fit neatly on my face. It's mostly personal preference. I feel like my forehead becomes alien'esque and large when I have them shaped too thin and you run a very high risk of permanently damaging your brows if you over pluck. I don't want to be that 50 year old who tattoos her brows on. Generally bushier brows give people a more youthful appearance anyway. I keep them neat and I keep them groomed. 

What I'm saying is...My Brows, My Business. 

My Lips..

I've had a lot of comments on them. "You overdraw them" "They're uneven" "You don't line your lips properly" yadda yadda yadda. I don't overdraw them. I've done so in private but never uploaded any photos of me doing so on my page. 

The problem with my lips is my lower lip is far bigger in width and especially length compared to my upper lip. Which is actually a pain. It's the reason I avoid dark lipsticks in creamy formulas. I've considered lip injections to extend the length of my upper lip but there is no guarantee it would work and you have to get them every 6months.

 Many people have told me to embrace them; that they're unique. I can understand why people think I don't apply lip liner properly, but in all honesty that is just how my lips are shaped. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't really. 

Hate Comments.

I suppose one way to look at this is to look at it positively. As someone who considers their audience to be quite small it just means I'm reaching a wider net of people, people who are reading my content, clicking onto my page and contributing to my traffic. Why they feel the need to be deliberately hurtful beats the shit out of me. I'd be here all day if I tried to crack that nut. People are just plain weird. I'm no exception. And I'm still experimenting how to deal with it online too. Do I leave them up? Do I delete them? Do I change my settings to only allow approved comments? It's not black and white, so I'm left sifting through a fog of grey. 

Lets say there's 100 people saying nice and positives things and then there is that one person who posts something mean, for some reason it's that one person that you especially pay attention to. But I'm working on not letting it get me down, but rather, letting it raise me up. I joined this community along with millions of others to share the things I love and enjoy. It's a little hobby I enjoy working on in my spare time by sharing little pieces of myself, my thoughts and my life. 

The benefits of being a part of a happy and supportive online community far outweighs the negatives that come along with it. You do you and keep pushing on. 

Wishing you a happy week.

Gidget xx


  1. Hahaha, omg. I loved the Skin one. it was like BAM science in ya face :)




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Gidget Cooper