#DearFatPeople | Lets Talk

It is such a terrible shame that I am unable to relax. Be content. To be a working human being and be able to just go about my evening like I should. Why can't I? I have been recently made aware today - technically yesterday as it's 1am about a upsettingly toxic viral video made and posted by a self proclaimed Youtube Comedian publicly decrying obese people in the name of comedy. I am, by my own nature and curiosity, easily effected by negative content on the internet. More so by internet arguments and comments, of which I am trying to distance myself from. You can't win a keyboard battle and they rile me up something fierce, in an emotionally bad way. Oddly I'm not usually too affected by offensive youtube videos but this one struck a real nerve with me for some reason. 
So lets put pen to paper, in a way. 

I myself do not fit into the ideal body mould that is set high on a pedestal by mainstream society. I don't think most of the world does. But it is so highly coveted and desired to be: a small woman, with large breasts, full lips, a shapely rear, not wear makeup, but have a flawless face, be hair free from the neck down and the list just goes on. It's simply unobtainable. And it's not from lack of trying on my part. So when a wannabe comedian flounces in and publicly labels anyone who tips their BMI as a toxic strain on society and visually offensive it really is just the cherry on top of ones already wavering self worth. 
I suppose thats what it did. It crushed what little confidence I had in myself today. And if it upset me imagine what effect it had on others. 

I urge you to view the response videos below that not only made me cry be reminded me that my worth can not be surmised by someone on the internet or because of my size. 

Please remember to just breath. Body shammers know nothing about you other than what they see upon first glance. They don't know your story, your medical history or your struggles...hell, or even your accomplishments. I...oh man I just want to tell you all how much you're worth, because it's so much! It's so so much. You are everything and more. Regardless of the intent of the nameless women who made an awful video I am so proud of what is coming out in light of it. Wonderful people raising us all up and above all this bullshit. 

Gidget xx


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