Dupe Alert | OPI Just Spotted the Lizard vs Chanel Peridot

Hello lovlies. I bring you a dupe find today! I honestly would have never found this had I not stumbled into The Reject Shop one afternoon and found the OPI polish among their beauty section. The Reject Shop (Yes it's really called that, it's an Australian branch) will stock products from Revlon, ORLY, OPI and others every now and again. Perhaps they purchase stock when the brands are overstocked or getting rid of collections. I don't know. All I know is it was a bargain find! It only cost me three buckeroos when in Myer it would cost me around 18-20 something odd dollars. So, score! What I didn't expect though is to discover it was nearly unidentifiable next to my much loved Chanel polish in Peridot. So a Blog Post was needed!

You can't capture everything perfectly on camera. Especially on an iPhone 5s but I try my best. They are, to my eyes, exactly the same. I also apologise that my middle finger nail is shorter on one hand than the other. Oh the tragedy! 

There are however differences. OPI needs more coats to achieve full opacity and has less texture than Chanels and Chanels formula is thinner but has more of a green duochrome to it, while OPI seems to have a brighter gold undertone to it. These are all very subtle differences though. The major difference is their prices though. Here in Australia OPI polishes sell for around $19.95 and Chanel polishes retail for around $36.95. So for a not so cheap bargain...it's a bargain. 

Whats the most amazing dupe you've stumbled across?

Gidget xx


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Gidget Cooper