Allow me to introduce to you the worlds most fabulous European Hired Gun, Niko Bellic. No really. Out of all GTA games I've played he's probably my favourite when it comes to his view on assassination. Most of the other main characters of GTA are usually very verbal if not a little too gangster for my liking when shooting down enemies or discussing their struggles in cut scenes but Niko is a man fresh off the boat in a new city with nothing to lose. He'll off anyone and steal anything, but for the right price. His viewpoint is fairly simple. We all die, may aswell make some money off it.
You are lured to Liberty City by your compulsive lying cousin Roman with the the expectation of a penthouse and grandeur when in reality he just manages a taxi business and lives in a studio apartment in a shoddy neighbourhood. He'll constantly call you up to go bowling or to go to strip joints despite the fact he desperately wants to date his taxi secretary Mallorie. Not too mention his owes shit tons of money to loan sharks, which is how you get into trouble the minute you arrive in the crime infested country. Thanks Cuz. You're a pal. He also blames these misfortunes on you about midway in the game too.
Go Figure.
Go Figure.
Dimitri turns out to be your true nemesis throughout the game after he double crosses his own boss after tiring of babysitting the homicidal mob bosses ass. Not only does he track down people from your past to hunt you down but pretty much intervenes in your life anyway he can and acts like he'll get away with it. The prick even has the nerve to call you constantly on your mobile to taunt you. The storyline kind of bored me though. It could have been darker or more in depth. His death wasn't even awesome either. You just shoot him. BORING. I would have preferred throwing him out of a helicopter or off a building.
The Weird, The Bizarre & The Cons of GTA IV
Creepy Mc'Creepster
The super non creepy dude above on the right is Liberty Serial Killer Eddie Low. After a few missions with Gerry Mceary you may run into him randomly on the street at night. But trust me, you really don't want to. He's one of the optional side story characters you may run into during the game. The games violent and dirty enough as it is but they manage to trip and stumble right into creepsville with this dude. Ever wondered if animals masturbate? Eddie wonders. He's also curious if you liked to be spanked. This is all beside the point. His missions are optional and I'm pretty sure if you continue them you have to kill him anyway. Even our poor sociopathic little Niko is weirded out by the guy. I also learned he keeps a blog online, Just incase you wanted to check that shit out.
Your Friends Will Bitch Slap You

I'm totally not kidding. It's actually a glitch in the game, I think. I made a boo boo by spooking pedestrians when I dropped off Packie after a mission, prompting the AI in the game... for lack of a better term, Freak the Fuck out. Now when that happens people go running, start screaming, cars start driving erratically to get away from whatever scared them and that will pretty much cause a pile up. This pile up blocked Packie from getting out of the car after our mission. Which in turn, prompted him to sucker punch me right in my pretty european mouth. After some research I've learnt if the passenger door is blocked when you drop off just about anyone, they'll smack you one.
I'm pretty sure that's not how you say Goodbye....
The Flying Rats

Like most GTA games, number 4 was no different when it comes to random scavenger hunts. When something's glowy or shiny I get excited and think it's a new weapon. I came across one on a ledge so I shot at it thinking it would fall down within reach of my little gamer paws when all I was rewarded with was a confetti shower of feathers. Apparently that was one Flying Rat down and 199 left to go. The fuck? Apparently Niko Bellic has a personal Vendetta against pigeons and will rain shotgun hell to any feathered fiend to cross his path. Your only reward? It adds to your 100% completion of the game. To aid you people have even scoured the game to provide you with the Pigeon Locations.

I'm astounded anyone went to this much trouble. But there you have it. Apparently Niko believes that the old wives tale of Pigeons Pooping on your head is good luck, is about as real as Roman NOT having a Gambling Problem.

The Con

I just want a new haircut. The hardcore interactiveness I loved in San Andreas is just about all but thrown out the window in series 4. Rockstar has stated the reason they cut back on all of the content that made San Andreas awesome was to add a touch of realism to GTA IV but frankly it just made me sad. You can't go to the gym, hairdressers, tattooers, custom car dealers, buy cars or property. You can't even dive underwater! Talk about a Killjoy. You can buy Niko some new clothes but there are only two chain stores provided; a tailor suit store and a generic one. While you can go bowling, watch cabaret and date women it didn't entertain me too much. You can however get drunk in the game and it is hilarious. You'll stumble around and shout such things like "YELLOW CAB" when hailing a taxi. You can get your dates and friends drunk too by going out to bars with them. However it leads to interesting if not rude conversations. Drunkenness brings out the worst in some GTA characters. The police will also shoot at you for any reason they can. They crack down on you a lot harder than in previous games which really really sucks.

Overall, I've completed GTA IV and I'll give it 3 and a half out of 5. If it had the interactivness like previous games I would have been in love with this game. I'm currently playing through The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Lost and The Damned too because I bought the trio edition.
What did you enjoy from GTA IV?As always for the love of god comment! I love hearing from you! And feel free to link your blogs below for me to check out.
Gidget xx
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