I really wish I could help you to narrow down what you want to blog about but at the end of the day it is what you make of it. It usually starts with one thing. For me it was makeup. I was VERY down about my appearance and leaned on makeup. I discovered a community and decided to contribute. After a while I've branched out and blogged about whatever strikes me. So I'd classify myself as more of a Beauty & Lifestyle blog. But try not to pigeon hole yourself or the look of your blog. It will make it hard for you to delve into others areas if you do decide to down the track.
The Tools?
Typically most people use a Computer and DLSR Camera. Some people just have more money. THAT does not mean you can't make things work for you. I started out with a 6 year old laptop being held together by duct tape and a samsung galaxy SII camera phone as my basic tools. A year and a half later give or take and it really hasn't changed much. I use my Macbook and my iPhone for the bulk of my blogging. Macbook for the research, writing and editing and the iPhone for the camera. Very basic.
If you want to get a little savvy learn how to get the most out of your camera. I take face shots in front of like 3 bedside table lamps and wait for midday to take product shots in various places around my house I think highlights the best. Then I rely on photoshopping tools online to edit them to look their best.
If you can afford it, soft boxes and ring lights are great for taking photos.
And really if you're having a rotten time trying to get a good photo to match your post you can always rely on a good stock photo. There a numerous websites you can download pictures to use yourself. Now be mindful, I don't mean download photos wherever you please. You can get in trouble that way, instead click here for a decent list of drool worthy stock photos to tickle your fancy.
And really if you're having a rotten time trying to get a good photo to match your post you can always rely on a good stock photo. There a numerous websites you can download pictures to use yourself. Now be mindful, I don't mean download photos wherever you please. You can get in trouble that way, instead click here for a decent list of drool worthy stock photos to tickle your fancy.
Your Online Platform?
Where to Blog?
From my experience people blog one of three ways. Blogger, Wordpress or from scratch. I personally do not have the balls or the know how to blog from scratch, plus I'm 90% sure you need to pay for the web-name if you decide to do that. The other two ways seem pretty divided to me. I don't think there is a clear winner between Blogger or Wordpress and in any case you can always refer to google to compare the two.
Where to Post?
You've written up a BOMB ASS post...now what? You'll want to let people know. For me I post a select image on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr with appropriate hashtags to let my readers and potential readers know. Those who are subbed to my blog will automatically receive an email letting them know. While you're at it, if you have a very small audience posting your blog post in select Facebook groups will help increase readers also.
Gaining an Audience?
I have a a very black and white opinion on L4L and similar tags on the web. Don't get me wrong, they work but I feel there are far more targeted ways to go about it. In the beginning you'll find barely anybody reads or clicks on your blog or your posts so you want to work on raising that audience. L4L on Instagram is broad. Too broad. You'll get likes and attention (if you're lucky) from automatic false accountants that make money of of that system alone. Posting your page on a Facebook page dedicated to Fashion, Lifestyle & Beauty Blogging with between 1000-10,000 members with L4L however, will help you to gain a wider audience of people with similar interests while helping others in the same demographic increase their audience too. In my opinion it's all about community and fairness.
Another route, similar to above is S4S. This is typically more common on Instagram and I recommend it more highly. You'll find some larger Makeup Lover Instagram accounts will utilise this to encourage their large amount of followers to follow you with the stipulation you share them first. It is again, a win win situation with a targeted demographic. They're gaining new audience and they're helping to raise yours.
Gidget xx
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